IRDAI Third Party (TP) Rates for the Financial Year 2022-23 | All Vehicle TP rates for the Financial Year 2022-23

In exercise of the powers conferred by subsection 2 of section 147 of the Motor Vechicles, Act, 1988 (59 of 1989), The Central Government hereby issues the following order to state the premium rates for motor Third Party Insurance Cover for the Financial Year 2022-23. The details of MOtor THird Party PREMIUM RATES FOR THE VARIOUS CLASSES OF VEHICLES ARE TABULATED BELOW FOR THE fINANCIAL YEAR 2022-23.TP Rates are changed in policy from June-01-2022. (toc)

Private Car Third Party Insurance Cover for the Financial Year 2022-23

TP Rates of Private Car
Cubic Capacity (CC) Rates (Rs)
Not exceeding 1000 cc 2094
Exceeding 1000 cc but not exceeding 1500 cc 3416
Exceeding 1500 cc 7897

Two Wheeler Third Party Insurance Cover for the Financial Year 2022-23

TP Rates of Two Wheeler
Cubic Capacity (CC) Rates (Rs)
Not exceeding 1000 cc 2094
Exceeding 1000 cc but not exceeding 1500 cc 3416
Exceeding 1500 cc 7897

GCV Public Carrier Third Party Insurance Cover for the Financial Year 2022-23

TP Rates of GCV Public Carrier
Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW)- Public Rates (Rs)
GVW not exceeding 7500 kgs 16049
Exceeding 7500 kgs but not exceeding 12000 kgs 27186
Exceeding 12000 kgs but not exceeding 12000 kgs 35313
Exceeding 20000 kgs but not exceeding 40000 kgs 43950
Exceeding 40000 kgs 44242

GCV Private Carrier Third Party Insurance Cover for the Financial Year 2022-23

TP Rates of GCV Private Carrier
Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW)- Private Rates (Rs)
GVW not exceeding 7500 kgs 8510
Exceeding 7500 kgs but not exceeding 12000 kgs 17352
Exceeding 12000 kgs but not exceeding 12000 kgs 10969
Exceeding 20000 kgs but not exceeding 40000 kgs 17626
Exceeding 40000 kgs 25038

GCV Three Wheeler TP rates for the Financial Year 2022-23

Goods Carrying Motorized Three Wheelers and Motorized Pedal Cycles - Public and Private Carrier
Category Vehicle Type Basic Rate
A3 Except e-carts (Public Carrier) 4492
A4 Except e-carts (Private Carrier) 3922

PCV Passenger-carrying TP for the Financial Year 2022-23

TP Rates of Passenger-carrying (PCV)
Vehicle Type Basic Rate Per LIcensed Passenger
Not exceeding 1000 cc 6040 1162
Exceeding 1000 cc but not exceeding 1500 cc 7940 978
Exceeding 1500 cc 10523 1117
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